Free Promotion Of Your Gig

As our site grows we are constantly trying to improve it to make it better for our members. We have added two new features that I think you will love.

The first is called “Free Promotion of Gigs”. You will see a link in the nav bar taking you to upcoming gigs. We have placed an example post with an image of a band, a title of the post, and other details such as location, date time, etc. To take advantage of this feature requires an upgrade in your WordPress user role.

Please the button below to request a free upgrade that will allow you to post a gig, stating your user name and the name of your band, food truck or venue. Once you are upgraded I will send you instructions on how to post your gig.


Once posted, it will appear on the Free Promotion of Gigs page so that all the other members will know about the gig. This feature is available to all members, so bands and food trucks can advertise their upcoming gigs and venues can advertise upcoming entertainment at their venue. Once posted any member can copy the link and post it on their Facebook page and share it with groups and friends.

We have added a second feature that you will also find valuable.

Since the rank of members on the Members lists are ranked by the number of followers they have we have added a Fans membership to allow fans of entertainers, food trucks and venues to follow their favorites. Encourage your fans to join and follow you so that they will know where you are each week or what type of entertainment you will be featuring. The more followers you get the higher your ranking will be in searches.

I hope you find these changes beneficial. As always, we are open to suggestions on how to improve our site and would like to hear from you.

Have a great weekend,

The EZGigz team