Tips For Venues, Chefs and Entertainers

Tips for Chefs:

  • Obtain and provide a list of references from people who will confirm that you will return the venue clean and in the same condition as you found it. 
  • Build your social media followers so potential venues will see that you have a large fan base who love to eat your food.
  • Meet the venue owner in person if possible to make your relationship more personal.
  • Confirm whether there are any styles of food that are not permitted due to lease restrictions etc.
  • Always get a signed written agreement which specifies how and when payments shall be made.
  • Obtain any required government approvals well in advance and deliver copies to the venue.
  • Expect to pay a security deposit. If it is required, find out what form of payment they require.
  • Finish up well before the deadline so there is no chance that you will run over the allotted time slot.
  • Always clean up and leave the space exactly as you found it.


Tips for Venues:

  • Always request and contact references to confirm that the talent takes his or her obligations seriously especially with regard to timeliness and respecting your property. 
  • Check the talent’s social media sites and skim through comments.
  • Meet in person if possible to make your relationship more personal.
  • If there are any restrictions (for example, style of food or music), be sure to put it in writing.
  • Always get a signed written agreement.
  • Check with your municipality to see what governmental approvals may be needed.
  • CHeck your lease to confirm that there are no applicable restrictions before you sign an agreement.
  • All food vendors should provide Board of Health documentation, proof of insurance and they should pay a security deposit to cover any clean-up or damage issues.
  • Make all time deadlines clear verbally and in writing to avoid any misunderstandings.
  • Your agreement should specify that the talent shall obtain all governmental approvals, proof of insurance and shall clean up and leave the space exactly as it was delivered.
  • Your agreement should specify hw and when payment will be made.


Tips for Musical Talent:

  • Obtain and provide a list of references from other venues. 
  • Build your social media followers so potential venues will see that you have a large fan base who love to attend your gigs.
  • Meet the venue owner in person if possible to make your relationship more personal.
  • Be sure that the venue meets your needs regarding space, staging, light, etc.
  • Confirm whether there are any musical restrictions or dress code issues;
  • Always get a signed written agreement which includes the time and form of how you will be paid. 
  • Finish up well before the deadline so there is no chance that you will run over the allotted time slot.
  • Always leave the space exactly as you found it.